On Friday, May 14th (38 wks 2 days) at 3am I woke up and just didn't feel very good. I wasn't having contractions or anything....my stomach just felt kinda upset. Needless to say, I could not go back to sleep. Around 6:30am, I am pretty sure my water breaks (no big gush of fluid or anything....just leaking every so often). After about 30 minutes of the leaking I decide that yeah in fact I am sure my water had broke, so I go in to wake up Bryan. While he jumps in the shower, I called the doctor. She told me I could stay and labor at home for awhile or I could come in. I decided to stay home for awhile so I could at least take a shower and finish packing our bags :)
We arrived at the hospital around 8:30am and I was then having contractions every 5-7 minutes or so and I was 2cm dilated. They were not too painful at that point. I walked around the delivery room for a little over an hour trying to help things progress before I was in more pain and decided to take a bath to see if that would help. The bath helped great for about an hour. After that I was in too much pain and decided it was time for an epidural!
So at 11:30 I got out of the tub and was prepped for my epidural. At this point I was 3 cm dilated and the contractions were coming one after another. I swear I would have 2 or 3 back to back with no break in between. This made it really hard to get in the right position for the epidural. The anesthesiologist finally just had to do the epidural while I was having a contraction because they never let up long enough for him to do it in between :( The epidural really did not hurt too bad. The poke for the local anesthetic hurt worse than the actual epidural needle. Once the epidural was in place I felt MUCH better. The doctor checked me an hour later at 1pm and I was 6 cm. I remember thinking wow that was fast. For the next 3 hours I just rested as much as I could while everyone sat around and visited waiting in suspense to meet Logan.
At 4pm I was checked again.....10 cm.... TIME TO PUSH! The next 4 hours were AWFUL!! Logan was head up instead of head down, which was going to make for a harder time pushing him out. The epidural wore off on my left side so I could feel everything on that side. I pushed in every position you could think of while vomiting a few times. I pushed for as long as I had energy to push. Finally after 4 HOURS of pushing my doctor decided I needed to have a c-section. So, at 8pm I was then quickly prepped for a c-section. I was given more meds in my epidural and was whisked to the OR. Once in the OR the doctor gave me some local anesthetic in my stomach to make sure I was numb on the left side since earlier I was able to feel everything. B then was brought in and they went to cut and OUCH....I could still feel EVERYTHING! I screamed "OUCH....I can feel you cutting me!!" B was then rushed out of the room and I was knocked completely out for the rest of the birth. So I do not have any memory of the actual birth of my baby :(
Logan was born at 9:06 pm....7 pounds, 21 1/4 inches long! I woke up in recovery in LOTS of pain since I was not numb from the epidural. I was able to watch the nurse give Logan his first bath and B give him his first bottle since I was in no shape to try and breastfeed :( Overall, the whole birthing experience was not want I had anticipated. Everything I did not want to happen ended up happening! However, in the end Logan was born healthy which is all that matters. If I had to I would do it all again too to have such a sweet baby boy!
Now for some pics of his first few weeks of life...Enjoy!
Ha ha.... I love that you still don't want to talk about it :) You did great though, Momma! The next one won't be so tragic :)